Management Science/ Operation Research Society of Malaysia (MSORSM)

Background of The Society
Management Science/Operations Research Society of Malaysia (MSORSM) was registered as a professional society under Section 7 Societies Act of Malaysia 1966 on 19 July 1986, and its registration number is 3935/86 (Selangor). It was inaugurated on 5 October 1986.
Management Science/Operations Research Society of Malaysia (MSORSM) is the 36th national member of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), the 9th national member of the Asian Pacific Operational Research Societies (APORS), and a member of the Confederation of Scientific and Technological Associations in Malaysia (COSTAM).
Management Science/Operations Research (MSOR)
Management Science/Operations Research (MSOR) is taught in the Mathematics Department as Operations Research, in Business or Economics Department as Management Science, Quantitative Analysis or Decision Science, and in Engineering Department as Industrial Engineering.
The following are some methods and areas of applications in MSOR
Decision Analysis
Vehicle Routing
Facility Location
Project Management
Policy Modelling
Financial Engineering
Transportation Problem
Public Sector Work
Manufacturing Management
Supply Chain Management
Service Management
Revenue or Profit Management
Inventory Management
Quality Control and Inspection
Cutting and Packing